Monday, 14 May 2012


Ohh lordy - she's baking again!
Yup - and nobody's died yet, so I shall keep going, with another way to use Coconut oil for your lunch box.

This is an adaptation of a Sophie Gray recipe (she deems it a breakfast food - but I think it is better served as a snack option as far as health goes), and I've played with it a little more, to up the health quotient.

Yes it does have flour and some sugar in it - but you can always swap some of the flour for oat flour (just put some of your rolled oats into a coffee grinder) and/or swap some of it for linseed meal or flax meal - it will just change the consistency a little.

When I went to make this batch I also realised a hungry little mouth had also eaten all the apples - so I just pureed some canned peaches instead, I also chucked in some pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds aswell.

Point is you really can 'make it your own' - and it's a far better lunch box option that pretty much anything 'store bought'

5 T coconut oil
2 T maple syrup or honey
1 C rolled oats
1 C wholemeal flour
1 C self-raising flour
1 C coconut
5 weet-bix, crushed (= approx 80g)
1/4 C brown sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp baking powder
1 C chopped dried fruit
1 C grated apple (skin on)
1 egg, lightly beaten
1/3 C boiling water
1 tsp baking soda

Preheat oven to 180 C.
Grease a 25 x 35 cm swiss-roll tin

In large saucepan melt coconut oil and syrup/honey.  Add all dry ingredients except baking soda and dried fruit.  Mix to just combine.  Add dried fruit, apple and egg.
In a cup mix the boiling water and baking soda.  Add to the mixture and fold together.
Spread into tin and bake approx 25 min until golden.
Slice into bars.

Enjoy - and if this falls at the wrong end of your nutrition type, have some protein at the same time.

If you don't know what the frigg Im talkin about - well, then you're missing out on one of the easiest ways to get healthy and if you need . . . lose weight.
You can see more about the packages available at

Ciao for now my minions xox

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