Monday, 21 May 2012


I shall now take a minute to interrupt your regular programming for a special announcement


You know it, and I know it –

Aint a story anywhere, that doesn’t have some trials and tribulations for it's hero’s or heroines to conquer.

Snow White had an evil step mother

Michael Jordan was cut from his High School Basketball team

27 publishers rejected Dr. Suess' first book

Lucille Ball was told by her school drama teacher she was too shy and wouldn’t make it

Cinderella had evil step sisters

And you my love . . .

It is quite possible you have your naysayers too . . .

But it is likely, that your biggest problem comes from, well


And Houston we really therefore do have a problem!

How many times have you not attempted something, or not given your all . . .

Just in case you missed the mark, failed completely, it hurt, or someone looked at you, or worse yet laughed at you . . .

Many of these things can be rectified by knowing which stress bracket you fall into, working out your specific stressors, (especially for the constant ones and those larger in nature), and being taken through a plan to eliminate or work around them - yes, it takes a little figuring out but it’s do-able  . . .

But I know you.  You want something to help you now . . .
Well my child, Fairy God Mother is here . . .

And what I can do for you now, is give you just a wee exercise, which will help you stop stressing about doing the small things, and therefore help you on your healthy way

(Something small might be:   joining an exercise class, going for a walk every day, seeing someone about a health issue that has been nagging at you, phoning me to get some sessions underway).

Point is, there is likely to be one or two little annoyances, or misfires that you have to deal with along the way . . .

but oftentimes “it ain’t as bad as you think child” and the rewards can most certainly outweigh the negatives.

So here’s your little do-able for the day:

1         Determine what you’re going to set your mind to do – write it down

2         Write down what the worst thing is that could happen when you give #1 your best shot (the reality is you aren’t going to die or get maimed now, are you? – and really, anything else is manageable)

3         Write down what you are going to do, to cope with/get over it, if #2 does by some chance occur   See not only is it do-able, but you can actually deal with something if it doesn’t turn out perfectly – and baby, you’re on your way to being a rockstar!

4         Write down all the good things that could happen - these are the things you want to concentrate on

5         Tack your page right on your ‘puta screen – where we know you’ll see it, because you come visit me at every day :-)

6    Now superstar, get on with getting on with it!

Oh and do remember to push the little subscribe button  – it doesn’t give me your details, just means you wont miss any future posts J

And if you want contact me via is the way to go (no, I ain’t going to give you my address, likelihood is someone out there just a little on the weirdo side), but has all the rest of the ways you can do the getting in touch when you need   ;-)

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