Well my minions - it's been healthy-ised, and kHiSSt-ified, and the health version is ready to make it's way into your hearts and your heads.
We have put one paragraph into a wee graphic - just so you can have something to print off
. . . and ladies and gentlemen - here it is . . .
Ladies and
gentlemen of the Class of Life
If I could offer you one
tip for the future
Health would be it
The long term benefits of
health have been proved by scientists,
Whereas the rest of my
advice has no basis more reliable, than my own blundering experience
I will dispense this
advice now
Enjoy the power and
beauty of your body
For beware
The power and beauty of
your body can be all too easily, taken away.
And trust me . . .
In 20 years, you’ll think
back on your lifes story
And celebrate the
potential that is within you
Or commiserate on how fantastic
you could have been
It is not as hard as you
Don’t worry about your
abilities . . .
Or worry, but know that
worrying is as effective as trying to lose weight by watching the Biggest Loser,
while eating chocolate cake.
Some of the challenges in
your life are apt to be things you could have avoided.
Do one thing everyday that
scares you
Don’t be reckless with
your diet, and don’t put up with people who question your resolve
Don’t waste your time on
Sometimes you will do
well, sometimes you will slip up
The race is long, and in
the end you will thank yourself
Remember to compliment
yourself, ditch the insults
If you succeed in doing
this, tell me how
Keep your good habits,
dispense with your bad ones
Don’t feel bad if you
don’t know where to start
Many successful people I
know, started by getting up off the couch
The most successful
people I know, rarely sit down
Be kind to your liver,
life is TERRIBLE when it goes
Maybe you’ll do sport,
maybe you won’t . . .
Maybe you’ll keep up with
the kids, maybe you won’t . . .
Maybe you’ll start at 50
. . .
Maybe you’ll learn to
salsa for your 95th birthday
Whatever you do . . .
Don’t ever give up, or
think “Im finished now”
Your choices affect your
future, and that of your family
Enjoy your mind, use it
every way you can
Remember it is like a
muscle that needs to be exercised – it is the greatest instrument you will ever
Even if you have nowhere
to do it other than your own living room
Be sensible and avoid the
lolly isle
Do NOT drink to excess,
it will only make you look TRASHY
Get to know your body,
knowledge is power
Be nice to yourself.
You are the only thing
with you now, you can guarantee will be with you, your entire future
Understand that diet fads
come and go
But your body is unique,
and should be treated as such
Work hard to bridge the
gaps in your knowledge and your lifestyle, because the older you get, the more
apparent they will become
Be tough, but not to the
extent that it makes you hard
Eat cake, but not to the
extent that it makes you soft
Accept certain undeniable
Some people and places
don’t want you to get healthy, so they can keep taking your MONEY
And you will get old
It will be then you
realise you could have spent all that money on a fantastic holiday
Challenge your muscles
and they will continue to reward you
Maybe you fit into skinny
Maybe you rarely get sick
But without work, either
can turn around
Don’t mess too much with
Or by the time your 70 - you
will look FAKE
Be careful whose advice
you buy, and trust your instincts when listening to them.
The way you treat your
body is a form of currency
You cannot skimp now and
expect it to perform more than it is worth.
And so my friends . . .
I ask you to
Trust me on the HEALTHY
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