Wednesday, 18 April 2012



Therefore, today’s blog is brought to you by the letter ‘Uuuuugggghhh’

No, it’s not displeasure at a loved one, a rainy day, and PMS all joining forces to create a Perfect Storm (though I’m sure it does happen occasionally).

What has been stressing me so, little one . . . .

Is YOU . . .  yes, you my child

 . . . and how I can help you get your shite (because it would be rude to say the other word) together.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR GETTING _______________’S   (insert name) SHITE TOGETHER

1.       Get some paper and a pen   -  go on, I’ll wait, it’s not like I’ve got man here wanting to ravage me (oh, poo I think I said that out loud) – although the nearly 80 yr old stalker did make another appearance last week (ego only very slightly re-inflated)  - lordy, best you hurry up, before I tell you more of my life story  -

2.       Write down one thing that you AREN’T doing in your life, that is making you feel all loserly

3.       Yes, I know, you in particular have more than one thing, so write a list of all the things you are not doing, that are making you feel loserly  (NOTE – these do not have to be health related)

4.       If you did write a list, stop getting all worked up about choosing one.  Put the piece of paper in front of you, close your eyes and drop your pen on the page, where it made a mark is the one you choose  -  like you did in the phone book when you were a teenager before you made a crank call

5.       Turn your ‘thing’ into a project by giving it a name (the following is inspired by my new friends at Cougar Fitness in New York)   – Something like  OPERATION COUGAR  - I prefer Operation to Mission, mainly because when I say mission, the word ‘impossible’ comes immediately to mind, and ‘mission’ just sounds hard      

NOTE TO EVERYONE   . . .   did you see what my clever self just did there, did you???   
I went and made you give birth to an idea, that you now have full ownership of.  It is your newest ‘baby’ – and just like a real baby, you are not allowed to leave it to fend for itself . . . YOU have to help it grow  . . . see genius! 
I have it on good authority that I am actually a genius.  Because in my former life as a police osafa (yes, I’m drunk), one of those criminal types said to me “Chur, you smart as Miss” – I’m thinking of putting it on my business card!

6.       Write down one action that you have to take, and are going to take, in the next 24 hours to 7 days (time frame will be ‘operation’ dependent), to move you towards that goal.  An example utilising Operation Cougar as our start point might be:

Replace all sensible shoes & ‘appropriate’ blouses with a nose stud, bangin stiletto heeled boots and skin tight t-shirts  I did just say it was an example!

7.       Now,  pretend that my ‘smart as’ self is sitting right there next to you . . . and I have a magic wand that allows me to say exactly what you need to hear, to encourage you in your quest for Cougar-ness (or whatever it may be), and write down what I just said, so you can refer to it often

8.       On a daily basis, repeat #6 until said Operation is complete, and Operation Commander (that’s you) is happy with outcome.

9.       Comment back to me with accolades of my genius (so I don’t run out of things to put on my business card)

Ohhh – special announcement!  I’m all over this Pinterest thing – you can follow me here

And if you want to see where the quote in the pic came from watch here

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