Wednesday, 25 April 2012


So, by now you may have figured that I have some faults:

I am not a literal user of the word ‘literally’

I don’t have the kind of smarty pants that allow me to be funny yet irreverent – I just do funny and sarky . . .  I blame my father, I was genetically engineered that way

I am a jug over-boilerer (kettle if you’re in another part of the world) -  yes, I turn it on to make me a cuppa and get caught up doing something else, so I have to re-boil, and while Im waiting, I go do something else . . . well, you get the picture.  No, it’s not Alzheimers (no need for you to be a smart arse aswell) . .  Im just easily distracted (no ADHD quips either!)

And I don’t go in for the – this is what we have determined this sentiment/instruction/concept/whateverelseyouwannaadd to mean . . . so that is how it has to be done ethos 

(I never promised coherence, just info  . . . bear with, it will all become as clear as a grey days sunshine)

Take INCIDENTAL EXERCISE for instance.

If you are on the blobby side (ie. If your back fat keeps moving when you’ve already stopped), then upping  your Incidental exercise quota is a good way of increasing calorie burn.

A lot of people talk about everyday activities like the vacuuming and dusting being Incidental Exercise.  Ummmmm, find me a yellow brick road, call me a scarecrow and find my missing brain . . . but shouldn’t you be doing your chores anyway???  Or if you’re like me, you prefer someone else coming in and dealing with the dirt (I fully believe some people have a calling to dust and polish, and I feel it is only fair to assist them in fulfilling that calling).    (ssssshhhhhhh, more on a wee you tube clip on this to come).

Or they will suggest taking the stairs instead of the lift – yes, that’s a good one, and pretty much a no brainer.

How about parking your car further from the entrance of the supermarket?

Say what???

The problem I have with this kind of stuff, is that unless you’re the size of a heifer that’s about to calf (for non country folks – that’s a big cow that’s about to give birth . . . see dictionary entry for humungous), then this type of stuff ‘aint gonna do a dang thing’ . . .

 . . . or you’re simply not going to do a lot of it.

I can hear you now – “really, park my vehicle farther from my deli, what ridiculousness!  What should happen if precipitation doest occur, whilst I am acquiring the perfect piece of Gouda.  Whatever would become of my up-do if I was forced to depart said deli, for my vehicle, in a haze of rain?”

But, wait for it . . .

 . . .

. . . (believe me, this is worthy of a long pause) . . .

I’m going to help you lose weight while you watch TV!!  Yes, I is!!!  I am so genius sometimes I scare myself!!!!

And here is how:

Take you’re fav TV show, and develop a wee system, where when certain things happen in said show, you do a certain exercise . .

A little like this . . .

Yes, everyone needs a little Revenge adventure in their lives.

Pick exercises that you are capable of doing, and a number of repetitions that won’t be too difficult – or make it something just plain old fun  -  you could do 10 bootay circles zumba styles for one lot, or 20 running mans  LMAO – Shufflin styles . . .

. . . remember this isn’t your daily work-out, it’s just something to help increase your calorie expenditure, (besides, you probably don’t want to be exercising for the entire hour of your Revenge fix, when there's a certain gorgeous bar-man to be looking at).

Have your work-out print-out sitting right next to you on the couch, so there’s no escaping from it . . . and then go about following it!  (clue - this is the important part).

The beauty of this, is that you can utilise the idea for any television program, film or even a book you might be reading.

When you get to the stage where you want to up-the-ante a little, put in the odd AB-break (that’s where you do a few crunches during the ads) . . . *sighs* genius!

. . . and yellow brick road to a less podgier you, here you come!

So, that’s my Incidental Exercise – Revenge styles . . .

Of course, there are a few other things that I believe count towards Incidental exercise aswell . . .

You know, like table-top dancing whilst singing ‘Moves like Jagger’  (ohhhhh Maroon 5, *drools*) . . . but I don’t do that . . .

Really I don’t!

Remember to join me on FB -

Wednesday, 18 April 2012



Therefore, today’s blog is brought to you by the letter ‘Uuuuugggghhh’

No, it’s not displeasure at a loved one, a rainy day, and PMS all joining forces to create a Perfect Storm (though I’m sure it does happen occasionally).

What has been stressing me so, little one . . . .

Is YOU . . .  yes, you my child

 . . . and how I can help you get your shite (because it would be rude to say the other word) together.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR GETTING _______________’S   (insert name) SHITE TOGETHER

1.       Get some paper and a pen   -  go on, I’ll wait, it’s not like I’ve got man here wanting to ravage me (oh, poo I think I said that out loud) – although the nearly 80 yr old stalker did make another appearance last week (ego only very slightly re-inflated)  - lordy, best you hurry up, before I tell you more of my life story  -

2.       Write down one thing that you AREN’T doing in your life, that is making you feel all loserly

3.       Yes, I know, you in particular have more than one thing, so write a list of all the things you are not doing, that are making you feel loserly  (NOTE – these do not have to be health related)

4.       If you did write a list, stop getting all worked up about choosing one.  Put the piece of paper in front of you, close your eyes and drop your pen on the page, where it made a mark is the one you choose  -  like you did in the phone book when you were a teenager before you made a crank call

5.       Turn your ‘thing’ into a project by giving it a name (the following is inspired by my new friends at Cougar Fitness in New York)   – Something like  OPERATION COUGAR  - I prefer Operation to Mission, mainly because when I say mission, the word ‘impossible’ comes immediately to mind, and ‘mission’ just sounds hard      

NOTE TO EVERYONE   . . .   did you see what my clever self just did there, did you???   
I went and made you give birth to an idea, that you now have full ownership of.  It is your newest ‘baby’ – and just like a real baby, you are not allowed to leave it to fend for itself . . . YOU have to help it grow  . . . see genius! 
I have it on good authority that I am actually a genius.  Because in my former life as a police osafa (yes, I’m drunk), one of those criminal types said to me “Chur, you smart as Miss” – I’m thinking of putting it on my business card!

6.       Write down one action that you have to take, and are going to take, in the next 24 hours to 7 days (time frame will be ‘operation’ dependent), to move you towards that goal.  An example utilising Operation Cougar as our start point might be:

Replace all sensible shoes & ‘appropriate’ blouses with a nose stud, bangin stiletto heeled boots and skin tight t-shirts  I did just say it was an example!

7.       Now,  pretend that my ‘smart as’ self is sitting right there next to you . . . and I have a magic wand that allows me to say exactly what you need to hear, to encourage you in your quest for Cougar-ness (or whatever it may be), and write down what I just said, so you can refer to it often

8.       On a daily basis, repeat #6 until said Operation is complete, and Operation Commander (that’s you) is happy with outcome.

9.       Comment back to me with accolades of my genius (so I don’t run out of things to put on my business card)

Ohhh – special announcement!  I’m all over this Pinterest thing – you can follow me here

And if you want to see where the quote in the pic came from watch here

Monday, 16 April 2012


Our first AAA (Ask, Answer & Attitude) session!!

High 5's, fist pumps & chest bumps all around - (and a wee shot glass of something yummy on the side)!

Thanks to 2012 is your year for our ask 

- yes its about losing baby weight (duh - read the title!)
- no its not a real baby, my buns in the oven days are over!

Much love - hugs and snogs to ya - and if you're so inclined a spunky Sweedish Masseuse to unknot all your knotty bits  :-)

Monday, 2 April 2012

5 STEPS TO AVOIDING TEMPTATION (& other health bad-assery stuff)

So it’s been a week my lovalies . . .

I’ve trained . . .

I’ve eaten some good food (and just a little of the not so good food) . . . nope, not gonna pretend Im flawless . . . just real, and tell it like it is.

Do I beat myself up for having some crappy food, nope . . . do I give a rats if others criticise me for it, nope (they are obviously people with far too much time and far too few friends) . . .

But I know that YOU beat yourself up over the stumbles, and I know YOU tend to write off the whole day if you had a bad morning – yes, I am pointing at yoouuuu, (and pretending to hide behind a book when you’re reading a blog aimed directly at you, isn’t going to help).

So today we are going to do a wee role-play, visualisation styles thingy, to help you deal to temptation, where you are going to be all superhero, and deal to the bad thoughts and actions with a deft karate chop, before powering off into the sunset with buns of steel. 

According to some smarty-pants with a Doctorate in cartoonology somewhere, broad interpretations of the superhero genre include characters with superhuman powers as well as masked vigilantes, who fight crime with their wits, fists and guns, while concealing their identities with only a mask, hat and coat.

For this exercise you don’t necessarily need the mask, hat and coat – unless you want to go all out - - - I know people that will be getting the Star Wars Light Sabres out . . . it’s your roll play, you just choose whatever threads make you feel all heroish.  But at the very least, find yourself something that will suffice for ‘Big Girl Knickers’ and stick em on.

Why Big Girl Knickers (hereinafter to be referred to as BGK’s)?  Because they are what you are going to pull on, (literally or not), to put you in Battle Girl mode, to fight them nasty health villains.  They represent your game face, your ‘Im gonna take you on and win’ attitude, your irrepressible health-villain busting persona.

TO THE BATCAR  INSTRUCTIONS ROBIN  (insert own name here)

#1:  Put on your BGK’s.

Yes, over your jeans – superheros wear their undies on the outside!

(What will determine whether you are doing a role-play or a visualisation with this exercise, is whether or not you actually put on the gruts and roll around on the floor during the fight scenes, or whether you simply imagine them in your head).

#2:  Determine what your health villains are (e.g  cake hypnotising you until you gorge in submission, busy-ness interrupting your plans to exercise, a bad morning that you are going to let ruin your whole day . . . the list goes on)

#3:  See your health villain in front of you, taunting you the way it does . . . then kapow it, bam it, bruce-lee it, and wrestle it until it capitulates and runs off crying

#4:  Pick yourself up and dust yourself off to dramatic movie styles music

#5:  Go do your exercise, or bypass that cake or whatever it is you can now do, because *drum roll please* - you have won, you have beaten that demon, and you now know you can do it again and again.

So, anytime you feel a health villain lurking – put your BGK’s on and fight for your right to a healthy you – fly above the food, the time sappers, the ‘Ive had a bad morning’ – you can rise to a healthier you, I know you can – I’ve seen you in the movies  J

PS:   So not to be not getting anyones actual BGK's in a knot, the cartoon in our pic came from  Thanks peeps.